Who Are You?

This is a question that is usually posed to an individual you’ve never met before, or someone you’ve failed to recognize. It’s a very direct question that could be perceived as abrasive, but there are definitely times when this question is appropriate to ask. The answer to the question will usually determine what takes place thereafter. Conversely, when an individual decides to live a life of purpose, this question becomes one they must ask themselves. Who am I? Subsequent actions and life-altering decisions will hinge on how this question is answered. It’s sobering to consider how many people live and die without ever asking themselves this question, much less finding the answer. The sad truth is that most of us allow external influences, or life experiences to define us. I know, we can grow and develop through what we experience and who we choose to align ourselves with. However, most people never get that far. Our culture tells us that the more we blend in, the better our lives will be. Our willingness to look like, dress like, smell like, and think like the pervasive cultural norm will ultimately lead to social acceptance, and therefore, happiness. This is a lie. The truth of the matter is that we are all as different as our fingerprints. That’s the beauty of humanity. We are all carefully and specifically designed by God to be individually authentic. We all possess something that no one else does. This is overwhelmingly evident in small children. I love children because they are so effortlessly authentic… Until we mess them up. My sister, Dara, who I respect immensely, once called me and said “You’ve painted a masterpiece over the original.” I have never forgotten those words because they exposed me this truth I had not considered. Who you learn to be will never be as beautiful as who you were made to be. Authenticity isn’t something we learn, it’s something we lose. But, anything that is lost can also be found. Finding the true you can begin by simply asking the question, who am I? Ultimately, it will not be your similarity to others, but your difference from others that will define you. So learn to embrace your difference… No one can do you like you.

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